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Welcome to DNGM Research Foundation

DNGM Research Foundation is a Registered Charitable Trust established on 20th September, 1999 for medical research and humanitarian social activity by Dr. DN Guha Mazumder – in accordance with Indian Trust Act 1882 for charitable purpose.

Arsenic and Health:

I. Arsenic Mitigation Activity of the Foundation
1. Capacity Building & Training.
2. Awareness Generation.
3. Organizing Health Camp.
4. Case detection and mitigation by advising treatment by house to house visit.

II. Research Projects on Arsenicosis
1. Baseline Study to Assess the current situation in the project districts (Murshidabad, Malda and South 24 Parganas) in West Bengal under Arsenic Mitigation project.
2. Awareness Generation and Epidemiological Study on assessment of Disease Prevalence in Arsenic Affected Areas of District Nadia, West Bengal.
3. Arsenic in Food-Chain: Cause, Effect and Mitigation,Funded by World bank Through, Indian Council of Agricultural research,Govt of India.
4. Assessment of Health Effect on arsenic affected people following supply of arsenic free water in south 24 parganas.
Social Service:

1. Organizing health camps for offering medical treatment to villages of the delta region of Sundarbans, West Bengal.
2. Imparting awareness generation to villagers for healthy living in the community. Further undertaking activities related to safety in drinking water use, proper sanitation and hygienic habits by the community for prevention of water born diseases in the population.
3. Awareness generation of School children for adopting safety measures on proper sanitation, hygienic behaviour and water use.

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